Sunday, November 11, 2007

Dead runner walking

Attended the Scriptor newspaper fundraiser on crutches--colleagues laughed at me while I kept crowd control with the crutches. Photo is of me and Ben Harwood, adviser for Seaholm's newspaper. We raised almost $4000 that night for our newspaper and Harmonize for Hope.

I started walking without the crutches this weekend and my leg hurts. I am so upset. The physical therapist said that I would be training again by Nov. 20 but I had to stay on the crutches. It's just so darned hard, esp. when I can walk w/out them and it takes a day or so to make the pain come back. I'm getting truly worried. Not that I have been good about rehab. I've been on deadline week which kills every thing else in my life--so I missed wed and friday physical therapy with Ken and all week of water running. Arrrggg. I was looking back at my training log for this particular marathon and realized that it took me a while just to get up to 3 miles!!! So, let's see, today is Nov.11 and I have not run since the Detroit Free Press relay marathon. That would be about 3 weeks no running. Enough for my earlier training to die. Last night I saw the Electric Six at St. Andrews. I talked to one of the singers for an opening band and he said, "we are all dead bands, here tonight." I asked him what he meant, and he said "Still playing but not going anywhere anymore."
Ah, I said, "Dead band walking."
So, as I lay here having had little to no cardio in weeks much less running, I feel like dead runner walking. It sucks big time. And I am so busy, it's just a pain to use the crutches-- having hands to do things other than lift your body from place to place really does save time.

I wonder if I'll have to push back my retraining date. Coach Kyle said he would have a new/improved schedule for my now half-marathon by Nov. 22, but I wonder if he'll have to change that again.
If I start training in earnest December 1st I will only have 4 weeks before taper. Can I get up to 10 miles injury free in that time?


Bruce said...

Hi, i know rehab can be so hard sometimes. You might need to re assess your goals and just forget any races at this stage. Number one priority is to just get fit and strong again and then when you can start running again you need to just take in slow and only increase the distances by small amounts allowing your body to get use to the training again. Remember you are young and have your whole life ahead of you to race. There will always be other marathons. Its that sort of thinking which has helped me stay sane. I just had four months of no running for plain old shin splints. Good luck withe recovery.

Jackie said...

what about running Bayshore again with me???

Scott McMurtrey said...

ditto bruce. absolutely no need to rush anything at this point. yes, it may be frustrating - but at least you're not a dead runner dying dead with no walking or running in the dead of the night.