Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Trail Race

"Do not litter the trail with gel packets – they
attract bears" is the comforting advise given to runners in an email a few days before the race.

I hope my beach running last weekend counts for more than the measely 4 miles. I was so exhausted, but I am hoping one mile of running in lumpy sand is equivalent to two miles on the packed trail. I am the least prepared physically for this race than I have ever been for any race since I started running and I am, therefore, not very mentally prepared. I have not even run 6 miles since around the time of my half-marathon--about three months ago.

There is a gradual but long uphill to this run-- around 3 miles-at least half the race and last year I remember that I got up that hill without walking because I made sure I did a lot of six mile hill work at Pontiac Lake Trail. Ha!!! This year my longest run was barely five and that was during a thunderstorm and on the street.

I'm trying to tell myself right now that this just makes the race even more interesting--it'll show me what I have w/out much training. Arrrrgg. I hope that "mental toughness" my brother talks about just kicks in and mind leads legs to keep up. I'm going on my last run tonight at Heritage park. NO CAMERA--it'll be all running.

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