Sunday, June 22, 2008

I've been tagged

I was tagged by Ken

Here are the rules as explained to me.Copy the rules (or your version of them) and the set of questions onto your blog post, provide your own answers and then tag 5 new people. If tagged, you’ll find your name at the end of this post.To be sure everyone tagged knows they’ve been invited to play, go to their blogs and leave them a comment notifying and referring them to your blog for details.Lastly, once the chosen have answered the questions on their own blog, they should come back to yours to tell you.Here are my responses.

1. How would you describe your running 10 years ago?

20 minutes on the treadmill everyday for a few weeks and then not at all for a few months

2. What is your best and worst run/race experience?

Best – Running a 5K side by side with my brother--not only my best experience running because I got to bond with my brother but it was also my best time.

Worst – Fracturing my femur after the Detroit Free Press race-- but before that would definitely be running the 15K Tax Trot in 85 degree weather in April wearing my under armor and a black turtle neck--thought I was going to pass out--also got lost.

3. Why do you run?

I started with Team in Training to raise funds for blood cancer patients, and I got hooked. Now it's just become part of who I am-- I don't feel quite myself when I take too long off running, and it's such a great way to experience everything beautiful around me--esp when trail running--also nice way to bond with my dog.

4. What is the best or worst piece of advice you’ve been given about running?

Best - Don't run in those Sketchers anymore!! Buy good shoes with stabilization. Also, let gravity get you down the hills and be sure to keep your arm swing straight and your feet will follow. Lean a bit into the uphills and shorten your stride
Worst – You can't drink enough water just before a race (oh yeah you can!) and don't cross train-- one of my coaches actually said to me "You'll never see a Kenyon in the pool!! Stop cross training" and hello fractured femur, twisted ankles, injured knees, etc.

5. Tell us something surprising about yourself that not many people would know.

I was mugged twice within the first month I lived in Dublin but have never been mugged in Detroit and lived here most of my life! I still love to travel--esp. by myself because it feels more exhilarating.

These are the folks I'm tagging:

Scott Keeps Running


A Kiwi on the Run

Cycling through life



jahowie said...

Very interesting list there and thanks so much for tagging me!!! :-) Thanks for visiting my blog, I will add you to my list too.

Anonymous said...

ouch Laura tags too hard.. :) I'm telling..

Give me a bit to answer the questions, and get them updated on my blog, I will let you know once they are posted. Thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

ok, i've answered the questions..

Eynar Oxartum said...

I'm surprised you had been mugged (twice!) in Dublin. I've been here (in Dublin) for almost two years, and I have never had any problem, and my friends didn't tell me they had major problems. In fact, I feel much more secure here than in Madrid (which is where I was before). I'm sorry for that bad experience!